Sunday, April 11, 2010


I thought it would be interesting to show how the carvings begin. This cabinet stores the cut-outs and habitat material he plans on using. On the bottom shelf is a big block of Mango wood his sister sent from Hawaii. He hasn't decided what to make out of it yet, but I'm sure it'll be something spectacular. :) There is a cut-out for a Grayling fish that he's looking forward to working on. That will be a new venture when he starts on that. As he begins to work on some of these I'll be posting thier progress, so keep an eye out for his latest creations.


Terry had a brand made for his carvings. This is on the bottom of the Green Winged Teal. From now on all his carvings will bear this brand.

The Regal Nene

Terry finished the primary tail feathers and the Nene is ready to go to its new home in Hawaii. It's a lovely piece which his sister, Diane, will really enjoy. The details on the neck and tail feathers are quite realistic. A friend from work, Barbara Mize, made the brass name plaque. Working on the Nene inspired Terry to take on another large bird project, he plans on making a Loon for my sister, Trina.